Xiao Chai Hu Tang: Harmonize Shao Yang
Xiao Chai Hu Tang - "Minor Bupleurum Formula"
key Sx: Alternating chills and fever, chest and hypochondria distension pain, depression, dry throat, vertigo, restlessness, bitter taste and nausea, poor appetite (T: thin white coat, P: wiry)
Action: Harmonize Shao Yang, Regulate ST and GB

Remember: When Chai Hu's team beat the Yellow People at volleyball he got minor dates with both ban xia and Fresh Ginger - which gave his granny cow the shen of ren!

King: Chai Hu
M: Huang Qin
A1: Sheng Jiang, Ban Xia
A2: Ren Shen, Da Zao
G: Gan Cao
Cautions / Contraindications:

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