Jin Yin Hua - Clear Heat and Relieve Toxicity LU, LI, ST (9-15g) |
Jin Yin Hua: Honeysuckle flowers - Bees suck HONEY
Honeysuckle began growing in the toxic desert
after a wind-heat invasion brought bees that
gave the natives hot bloody dysentery.
Be careful not to eat too much honey since they say it can cause (cc:
SP and ST cold deficiency with diarrhea) and its best to run away
from bee stings to prevent (cc: sores due to yin deficiency
and yin-type sores).
English Name: lonicera flower, honeysuckle flower
Pharmacuetical Name: Flos Lonicerae
Properties: sweet, cold
Explanation of Key Words in this story... |
toxic desert |
clears heat; relieves toxicity |
wind-heat invasion |
exterior wind-heat |
hot bloody dysentery |
cools blood and stops dysenteric disorder |
Jin Yin Hua Actions and Indications
- ClearsToxic Heat (hot, painful sores and swellings
at various stages; breast abcess; intestinal abcess)
- Exterior wind-heat (wei syndrome of warm-febrile
diseases, exterior wind-heat with slight aversion to wind, sore throat,
headache, summer-heat, used for ying syndrome to prevent pathogen from
going deeper)
- Cools blood and stops dysenteric disorder (dysenteric
disorder with pus and blood in stools)
- (cc: SP and ST cold deficiency with diarrhea)
- (cc: sores due to qi deficiency and yin type sores)
Special Notes:
- Antibiotic effects, anti-inflammatory, and anti-pyretic.
- One study showed excellent results to treat common cold in over 1000 patients.
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