Ren Shen - Tonify Qi
HT, LU, SP (3-10g)


Ren Shen (Ginseng cured Ren's Shen)

Ren tried everything to get stimpy to wharf more hairballs. At first Ren gave Stimpy a punch in the stomach to tonify his SP and ST. Next Ren jumped on Stimpy's back to try and help Tonify Lung Qi. But it was not helping and suddenly Stimpy's primary qi collapsed from wharfing too many hairballs. So Ren poured a bottle of whiskey down Stimpy's throat to benefit his heart and calm his spirit. Stimpy, who then had a terrible thirsty hangover, asked Ren for some magic water to help relieve thirst and generate fluids. Sure enough, the magic water helped stimpy to support the anti-pathogenic qi and expel pathogens so he could get back to wharfing. "WHARF, Stimpy.... WHARF!!!"

Ren should have been more careful when telling Stimpy to Wharf hairballs. Ren should have considered that even though Stimpy had an (cc: absence of significant qi deficiency) that he would be physically unable to wharf hairballs forever due to the (cc: excess heat; steaming bone disorder) caused by wharfing. Ren's carelessness gave Stimpy some (cc: hypertension with LYR) and Ren should have known that too much whiskey is bad (cc: overdose may cause headache, insomnia, palps, or hypertension). Ever since the WHARFing incident, Stimpy has tried to (cc: abstain from drinking tea and caffeine stimulants and/or lai fu zi) and is no longer compatible with his wife Li Lu (cc: incompatible with Li Lu) because she fed him flying squirrel poop when he was recovering! (cc: antagonistic with wu ling zhi).

English Name: ginseng, ginseng root
Pharmacuetical Name: Radix Ginseng
Properties: sweet, slightly bitter, slightly warm

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
Tonify his SP and ST Tonifies SP and ST
Tonify LU Qi Tonifies LU Qi
primary qi collapsed Greatly tonifies Yuan qi; treats Qi collapse
benefit his HT and calm his spirit Benefits HT Qi; calms spirit
relieve thirst and generate fluid generates fluid; relieves thirst
support the anti-pathogenic qi and expel pathogens support the anti-pathogenic qi to expel pathogens

      Ren Shen Actions and Indications
  • Tonifies Lung Qi (chronic cough due to LU deficiency, wheezing; SOB; labored breathing with exertion; spontaneous sweating due to LU qi deficiency)
  • Tonifies SP and Stomach (chronic diarrhea; lethargy; lack of appetite, chest/abdominal distension; in combination for prolapse of ST, uterus, or rectum)
  • Greatly tonifies yuan qi; treats qi collapse (collapse of yuan qi, shallow respiration / SOB; cold limbs; profuse sweating; weak pulse; also after severe loss of blood)
  • Benefits Heart Qi; Calms Spirit(insomnia, palpitations or anxiety, forgetfulness, restlessness due to qi, blood, or yin deficiency)
  • Generates fluid; relieves thirst (xiao ke - wasting and thirsting disorder, fluids damaged by high fever, heavy sweating, sequela of febrile disease)
  • Supports the anti-pathogenic qi to expel pathogens (boost wei qi to help fight exterior syndromes or constipation with significant qi deficiency)
  • CC: heat excess; steaming bone disorder
  • CC: absence of significant qi deficiency
  • CC: hypertension with LV yang rising
  • CC: overdose may cause headache, insomnia, palpitations, or hypertension
  • CC: antagonistic with Wu Ling Zhi
  • CC: incompatible with Li Lu
  • CC: abstain from drinking tea (caffeine or other stimulants), eating radish or using with lai fu zi
    Alternate Forms:
  • Ren Shen Hong (aka Hong Shen): (red, warmer) - better for qi and yang deficiency.
  • Ren Shen (aka Sheng Shai Shen/Gan Shai Shen): (fresh, dried) - better for qi deficiency.
  • Ren Shen Bai: (white) in boiling water short time soak in sugar (similar function to Shen Shai but weaker)
  • Ye Shan Shen (wild mountain ginseng)
  • Yi Shan Shen (transplanted mountain ginseng)
  • Yuan Shen (cultivated ginseng)
  • Shen Xu (root whiskers) - weaker
  • Ren Shen Ye (ginseng leaf) - bitter, slightly sweet, cold ; clears summer heat, generates fluids, clears deficiency fire (5-10g)
    Special Notes:
  • Do not use with Li Lu, Wu Ling Zhi, Lai Fu Zi
  • Cooking: often decocted separately with low heat or in a double boiler
  • In difficult labor cases Ren Shen can be used to strongly tonify Yuan Qi, to replenish fluids, and it also helps to dilate the cervix.

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