Wu Ling Zhi - Invigorate Blood and Relieve
(LV, SP) - 3-9g |
Wu Ling Zhi - The flying squirrel ninja!
The flying squirrel ninja ran in circles until
her toes were painful and bleeding.
When she got the shen of ren and ran into a
traffic jam she lost her cheesecloth (cooking:
decoct in cheesecloth).
She wasn't careful and got (cc: weak SP / ST qi)
when she got pregnant! (cc: pregnancy)
English Name: pteropus feces, trogopterus dung
Pharmacuetical Name: Excrementum Trogopteri seu Pteromi
Properties: bitter, sweet, warm
Explanation of Key Words in this story... |
run in circles... painful |
invigorates blood; alleviate pain |
bleeding... traffic jam |
stops bleeding; dispels blood stasis |
Wu Ling Zhi
Actions and Indications
- Invigorates blood, alleviates pain (dysmenorrhea,
amenorrhea, pain due to blood stasis, pospartum abdominal pain; epigastric,
abdominal and chest pain; topical use for fractures, poisonous insect
- Dispels blood stasis; stops bleeding (profuse uterine
bleeding, lochioschesis due to blood stasis; blood in stool)
- (cc: pregnancy)
- (cc: weak SP or ST qi def)
- (cooking: decoct in cheesecloth)
Special Notes:
- Antagonistic to ren
- Patients with infertility were treated with modified Shi
Xiao San with good results.
- Ling Zhi is an alternate name for Wu Ling Zhi but is also the pinyin
for another herb - Reishi Mushroom - named Ling
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