Zhi Ke - Invigorate QI
SP, ST, LI (3-9g)


Zhi Ke - Zhi Ke the Circus Clown

Zhi Ke the Circus Clown was hillarious to watch! She would run around in circles and make funny noises that she said helped reduce distension and bloating. She retired when she became pregnant since taking time off was the best way to deal with deficiency and weakness.

English Name: aurantium fruit, bitter orange
Pharmacuetical Name: Fructus Aurantii
Properties: bitter, acrid, cool

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
run around in circles... reduce distension and bloating breaks up stagnant Qi; reduces distension and bloating
pregnant (cc: pregnancy)
deficiency and weakness especially appropriate when Px has weakness or deficiency


      Zhi Ke Actions and Indications
  • Breaks up stagnant Qi; reduce distension and bloating (eliminates food stagnations, chest distension, skin itching, abdominal distension. Zhi Shi is especially appropriate when patient is weak or deficient)
  • (cc: pregnancy)
    Special Notes:
  • Zhi Ke and Zhi Shi are similar but not interchangeable. Zhi Shi is more suitable for severe cases because it is more potent, while Zhi Ke is more gentle. Zhi ke is ripe while Zhi Shi is the whole unripened fruit and stronger in action. Remember: Zhi Shi's inertia is more powerful than any circus clown.

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