Hai Jin Sha - Damp: Promote Urination and Relieve PUD
UB, SI (6-15g)


Hai jin Sha the Ninja...(Japanese fern spores)

Hai Jin Sha was a ninja who disguised himself by wearing cheesecloth over his face. One day he was sneaking around a coffee warehouse and had to pee, so he hid behind a pile of stones to take care of business. Very unprofessional !!!

English Name: lygodium spores
Pharmacuetical Name: Herba Lygodii
Properties: sweet, bland, cold

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
cheesecloth decoct in cheesecloth
coffee promotes urination; reduces edema
pee... stones dispels stones; promotes urination


      Hai Jin Sha Actions and Indications
  • Promotes urination; dispels stones (dysuria with burning sensation, stony lin, DH lin, bloody lin, gao lin, also for gallstones)
  • Promotes urination; reduces edema (damp fullness of the abdomen, edema, difficult urination, especially d/t DH)
  • (cooking: decoct in cheesecloth)
    Alternate Forms:
  • Jin sha teng: sweet, cold; UB, SO; clears heat, relieves toxicity; promotes urination; 15-30g

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