Guan Zhong - Expel Parasites
LV, SP (6-15g)


Guan Zhong (Iguana's Dong)
Guan Zhong, who was named after an Iguana's dong, was treated like a parasite by the other Iguanas of the toxic desert. Eventually he got hot blooded and made his tormenters bleed.

When Iguana's Dong grew up and got his wife pregnant (cc: pregnancy) he swore never to give his son a stupid name since he knew it could cause (cc: weak constution and stomach ulcers)
English Name: dryopteris root
Pharmacuetical Name: Rhizoma Dryopteridis
Properties: slightly toxic, bitter, cool

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
parasite kills parasites
toxic desert clears heat; removes toxicity;
hot blooded... bleed cools blood... stops bleeding


      Guan Zhong Actions and Indications
  • Kills Parasites (various intestinal parasites, tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, ringworm, topical application for pinworms)
  • Clears heat; removes toxicity (exterior wind-heat; warm-febrile blotches or damp-heat sores, carbuncles, mumps; epidemic toxin)
  • Cools blood; stops bleeding (uterine bleeding, blood in stools, epistaxis, hematemesis due to hot blood)
  • (cc: pregnancy)
  • (cc: weak constitution or history of ulcers)
    Alternate Forms:
  • Sheng: kill parasites or clear heat
  • Chao Tan: stop bleeding
    Special Notes:
  • In one study 26 of 30 patients were treated successfully for hookworm with 8-15g of du zhong powder twice daily for 5-7 days.
  • Use this herb with sang ye for common cold prevention.

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