Sang Xing Tang
Nickname: "Mulberry leaf and Apricot Kernel decoction"
Syndrome: Exogenous warm dryness (not severe fever), LU qi disorder (cough), LU fluid being burnt (non productive cough, without or with little phlegm, thirst, dryness, and nose) (T: red body with thin white dry coating) (P: floating rapid, right rapid pulse large)
Action: Clears and disperses warm-dryness

When King Ren found a silk worm in the apple that Danny Dou Chi gave him, he Sang "exterior W/H dryness" and called a swamp runner to go to the Sha of Iran's famous garden and steal some pear peels (Li Pi).

K: Sang Ye, Xing Ren
M: Dan Dou Chi, Bei Mu, Sha shen
A1: Zhi zi pi, Li Pi (pear peel)
Cautions / Contraindications:

    Common Modifications:
  • Severe exterior cold (+QIang Huo)
  • Cough stays after promoting sweating (-Su Ye, +Su Geng)
  • headache, frontal (+Bai Zhi)

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