Qiang Huo - Release Exterior: Wind Cold
UB, KI - (6-15g)


... Qiang Huo was the King of Thailand

Qiang Huo was the king of Thailand. He named his eldest son Tai Yang the Great - which meant 'upper sun' in Thai. Legend tells that as a young child Tai Yang underwent a right of passage by pain wherein he was left outside on a windy mountain top in the cold rainy storm without any clothes or blankets. Upon achieving this right of passage, Tai Yang was accepted into the fighting order of the monks. The monks taught him to unblock painful obstruction and alleviate pain through meditation.

Tai Yang grew up to be a great warrior, but he loved to stay up late and drink alcohol. Eventually his bad habits caused some (cc: blood and yin deficiency). When he developed a weak SP/ST due to overdose Tai Yang resolved to quit drinking (cc: weak SP/ST due; overdose may cause nausea and vomiting)

English Name: notopterygium rhizome
Pharmacuetical Name: Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii
Properties: acrid, bitter, warm

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
Upper sun benefits upper body
pain... windy.... cold rainy storm expels wind damp-cold; alleviates pain
Tai Yang this herb treats Tai Yang headaches...
cold windy storm; B flat wind damp (plus pain = wind-damp-bi)


      Qiang Huo Actions and Indications
  • Expels Wind damp cold; Alleviates Pain (external cold with dampness; headache and general body aches, especially useful for taiyang headache)
  • Unblocks Painful obstruction - alleviates pain (wind-cold-damp bi, especially in upper limbs and upper back)
  • (cc: blood or yin deficiency; exterior syndrome)
  • (cc: use caution if patient has weak SP/ST: overdose may cause nausea and vomiting)
    Special Notes:
  • Qiang Huo is known to guide to the Tai Yang channels (for Headache, etc..)

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