Wei Ling Xian - Dispel Wind Damp (treat
arthritis) and Relieve Cold UB (6-12g) |
Wei Ling Xian
(Whale-ing's Yawn) is a hidden whale city. Their gate is made of fish
bones and attackers will face a painful channel
of windy water.
For this reason you should have caution when visiting
if you have (cc: qi and blood defeciency).
English Name: clematis, Chinese clematis root
Pharmacuetical Name: Radix Clematidis
Properties: acrid, salty, warm
Explanation of Key Words in this story... |
fish bones |
softens and hardens fish bones |
painful channel of windy water |
dispels wind damp; unblocks channels; alleviates
pain |
Wei Ling Xian Actions and Indications
- Dispels Wind Damp; unblocks channels; alleviates pain
(wind damp bi, spasms of sinews, immobile joints, painful extremities)
- Softens and Dispel fish bones (small bones that are
superficially lodged in the throat)
- (cc: qi and blood deficiency)
Special Notes:
- Wei Ling Xian helps to dislodge fish bones by relaxing the throat
muscles - it does not actually dissolve bones.
- Mu Tong is also called clematis, but is
not the same as Wei Ling Xian.
- Compared to Hai feng teng wei ling xian
is stronger and faster. Hai feng teng
is milder and moves blood.
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