Lian Zi- Stabilize and Bind
KD, SP, HT (6-15g)


Lian Zi - Lion seed (Simba the Lion King)
When Simba was young he would often pee the bed and was looking for a way to tonify his KD and stabilize his essence. In the beginning they ate nothing but grubs which didn't really tonifiy his SP since it gave him frequent diarrhea. Finally Simba's HT and spirit could take no more hiding and waiting, so he left to claim his rightful place as king.

Simba had no trouble displacing the rogue lion king. Afterall that old lion king didn't take care of his body and ate so much that he had (cc: abdominal distension or constipation due to excess)

English Name: lotus seed
Pharmacuetical Name: semen Nelumbinis
Properties: sweet, astringent, neutral

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
tonify his KD and stabilize his essence Tonifies KD; Stabilizes essence
tonify his SP... diarrhea Tonifies SP; Stops Diarrhea
HT and spirit nourishes HT; calms spirit


       Lian Zi Actions and Indications
  • Tonify KD; stabilizes essence (enuresis due to deficient KD; premature ejaculation; spermatorrhea, vaginal discharge)
  • Tonifies SP; stops diarrhea (chronic diarrhea; loss of appetite)
  • Nourishes HT; Calms spirit (deficient irritability, insomnia - especially due to KD and HT disharmony, palpitations with anxiety)
  • (cc: abdominal distension or constipation due to excess)
    Alternate Forms:
  • lian xu (Stamen Nelumbo nucifera)- lotus stamen sweet, astringent, neutral; stabilize and bind essence; 1.5-5g
  • lian xin - or lian xi xin (Plumula Nelumbo nucifera) lotus plumule - bitter, cold; HT, PC; drain HT fire, calm spirit, stop bleeding, bind essence; 1.5-3g
    Special Notes:
  • There are 8 parts of the lotus plant, each having distinct functions. The most commonly used in Chinese herbal medicine are Ou Jie, Lian Zi, He Ye, and Lu Duo.

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