He Shou Wu - Tonify Blood
LV, KD, HT, LI (9-30g)


He Shou Wou
- "He Sure Would" get Malaria!...
Bob found out that "He sure would" get Malaria if he went to Africa. One night sitting near the fire he got bitten by a toxic mosquito while eating some peaches that he had hoped would tonify his LV and KD blood and essence and lower cholesterol.

After he got back Bob decided that eating too many peaches can cause (cc: Sp deficiency diarrhea; phlegm damp)

English Name: polygonum, fo-ti root, fleece flower root, multiflower knotweed tuber
Pharmacuetical Name: Radix Polygoni Multiflori
Properties: sweet, bitter, astringent, slightly warm

  Explanation of Key Words in this Story...
Malaria treats malaria disorder
fire... toxic eliminates fire toxicity
peaches moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels
tonfiy his LV and KD blood and essence tonifies LV and KD blood and essence


      He Shou Wu Actions and Indications
  • Tonifies LV and KD blood and essence (premature grey hair, weak low back and knees, dizziness, blurred vision, soreness of extremities, insomnia, nocturnal emission, spermatorrhea, vaginal discharge, infertility)
  • Eliminates fire toxicity (toxic sores: carbuncles, phlegm nodules, scrofula; external wash for dry, itching, scaly skin due to blood deficiency)
  • Moistens the intestines and unblocks the bowels (constipation especially due to dryness from blood deficiency)
  • Treats malarial disorder (when unprocessed only treats chronic malarial disorder with qi and blood deficiency)
  • (cc: SP deficiency diarrhea; phlegm-damp)
  • (note: modern use to help lower cholesterol)
    Alternate Forms:
  • sheng - for intestinal moistening and fire toxin. Unprocessed He Shou Wu acts to eliminate toxins and tonify the body at the same time.
  • zhi - to tonify LV blood and KD essence
    Special Notes:
  • Unprocessed treats Malaria. For Malarial disorders combine 25 to 30g of He Shou Wu with 3g of Gan Cao. For Malaria with more fever than chills combine He Shou Wu with Bie Jia and Zhu Sha (sub Huang Lian). For Malarial disorders with more qi deficiency add Qing Hao and Chang Shan.
  • Processed treats hair loss (steamed)

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