Bai Bu - Relieve Cough and Wheeze
LU (5-15g)


Bai Bu - The white-BOOH ghost

After the white ghost got a bad cough with wet lungs he couldn't even scare the lice off of a pinworm parasite, much less humans!!!

Bai Bu learned to be more careful after he accidentally got locked in the bathroom with lots of folks who had (cc: SP deficiency with loose stool)

English Name: stemona, sessile stemona root / tuber
Pharmacuetical Name: Radix Stemonae
Properties: sweet, bitter, neutral

Explanation of Key Words in this story...
cough with wet lungs moistens LU; stops cough
lice off of a pinworm parasites expels parasites; kills lice; primary herb for pinworms


      Bai BuActions and Indications
  • Moistens LU; Stops Cough (acute and chronic cough; exogenous or endogenous; hot or cold, excess or deficient)
  • Expels parasites; kills lice (pinworms, topically for lice, vaginal trichomonas, tinea; internally for tape worm)
  • (cc: SP deficiency with loose stool)
    Alternate Forms:
  • mi zhi (honey fried) - moisten LU, stop cough
    Special Notes:
  • Bai Bu is considered a primary herb for pinworms: use 30-60g as an enema daily for 5 days
  • Zi Wan is often paired with Bai Bu and Kuan Dong Hua to stop cough. Zi Wan is the strongest of the three.

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