Zhang Nao - Substances for External Application
HT, SP (0.1-0.2g powder or tinture for oral administration)

Zhang Nao ("The Song Now on the Jukebox...")
The Song Now playing on the jukebox is about a rainy parasitic killer who wanted to cause pain and swellings every time it the rain got cold. Luckily aliens abducted him during a turbid rain storm and he never killed another pregnant woman (cc: pregnancy).

English Name: camphor
Pharmacuetical Name: Camphora
Properties: toxic, acrid, hot

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
rainy parasitic dries dampness... kills parasites
pain... swellings... got cold relieves pain; reduces swellings; dispels cold
aliens abducted him... turbid rain opens orifices; dispels damp-turbidity


       Zhang Nao Actions and Indications
  • Dries Dampness; Kills Parasites (skin disorders: scabies, ringworm, tinea, and itching sores; damp cold leg qi)
  • Dispels cold; reduces swellings; relieves pain (toothaches, traumatic injuries, frostbite, swelling)
  • Opens orifices; dispels damp-turbidity (delerium or sudden loss of consciousness, abdominal pain due to dampness and turbidity - usually contracted in late summer: fever, chest stuffiness, abdominal distension, vomiting, diarrhea; taken orally)
  • (cc: pregnancy)
  • (cc: heat excess or qi or yin deficiency)
  • External: for powder or paste use dose appropriate for area
  • (0.015-0.03) gm in pill or powder
    Special Notes:
  • toxicity when ingested at 0.5-1gm, 7-15g may cause death
  • Topical application of sores and ulcers with large dose may cause irritation.

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