Ze Lan - Invigorate Blood and Regulate Menses
LV, SP (9-15g)


Ze Lan - (Ze Land is near captain!)

Before they found 'ze land!' the crewmembers of Colombus' ships had their blood invigorated by a female sailor with irregular menses and almost mutinied because a swelling wave caused a traffic jam and their coffee stores were washed overboard. Luckily just then the lookout spotted "Ze Land!".

Sailing to the New World was particularly difficult for the pregnant women (cc: pregnancy).

English Name: lycopus, hirsute shiny bugleweed
Pharmacuetical Name: Herba Lycopi
Properties: bitter, acrid, slightly warm

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
Blood invigorated; irregular menses invigorates blood; regulates menses
swelling; traffic jam reduces swelling; dispels stasis
coffee promotes urination; reduces edema


       Ze Lan Actions and Indications
  • Invigorates blood; regulates menses (dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, post-partum abdominal pain due to blood stasis)
  • Dispels stasis; reduces swelling (carbuncles, abcess, trauma, topical or internal use)
  • Promotes urination; reduces edema (difficult urination, facial edema, postpartum edema, especially edema with blood stasis; modern use for ascites due to liver cirrhosis)
  • (cc: pregnancy contraindicated)
    Special Notes:
  • Ze Lan has a diuretic action and should be used cautiously with diuretic drugs.

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