Xian He Cao - Regulate Blood Herbs
LU, LV, SP (9-15g, up to 60g fresh)

Xian He Cao - Young He Cow
Young He-Cow was a parody on He-man. After Cow-a-tore wounded him he was able to restrain the leakage of blood and stop the bleeding but all that qi and blood deficiency left him vulnerable to parasites and suffering from diarrhea and dysentary.

After the incident he decided to be extra careful with (cc: bleeding due to stasis).

English Name: agrimony, hair-vein agrimony
Pharmacuetical Name: Herbs Agrimoniae
Properties: bitter, astringent, neutral

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
restrain the leakage of blood and stop the bleeding restrains leakage of blood; stops bleeding
qi and blood deficiency

tonifies qi and blood

parasites kills parasites
diarrhea and dysentary alleviated diarrhea and dysentary


      Xian He Cao Actions and Indications
  • Restrains leakage of blood; stop bleeding (hematemesis, epistaxis, hematochezia, hemoptysis, bleeding gums, bloody lin, abnormal uterine bleeding; in combination for heat, cold, excess, or deficiency)
  • Alleviates diarrhea and dysentary (for chronic diarrhea and dysenteric disorder, diarrhea with pus and blood)
  • Tonifies Qi and Blood (qi and blood deficiency due to over-exertion, fatigue with normal appetite, pale complexion, modern use for cancer patients and anemia)
  • Kills parasites (trichomonas vaginitis and intestinal parasites, ie- tapeworm; also for carbuncles, boils, roundworms, breast abcess: used topically and internally)
  • (cc: bleeding due to stasis)
    Special Notes:
  • Xian He Cao may reduce the anticoagulant effect of warfarin because it contains vitamin K.

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