Hu Tao Ren - Tonify Yang
KD, LI, LU (9-30g)


Hu Tao Ren - Who told Ren?
Who told Ren that eating peaches on his powdered toast would tonify his KD essence and make his back and knees stronger? It was powdered toast man of course! Apparently Powdered Toast man also told Ren that it was cool to smoke pipe weed and grasp his KD qi like Michael Jackson.

But Ren wasn't careful and smoked too much pipe weed and ate too many peaches. As a result he got sleepless nights (cc: yin deficienct heat), (cc: phlegm-heat cough) and (cc: loose stools)

English Name: walnut, English walnut, Persian walnut
Pharmacuetical Name: Semen Juglandis
Properties: sweet, warm

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
peaches moistens intestines; unblocks bowels
tonify his KD essence and make his knees and back stronger tonifies KD; strengthens back and knees
smoke pipe weed... grasp his KD qi warms LU... helps KD grasp qi


      Hu Tao Ren Actions and Indications
  • Tonifies KD essence; strengthens back and knees (premature grey hair, blurry vision, cold and painful back and knees, frequent urination; poor memory)
  • Warms Lung; helps KD grasp qi (difficult inhalation; chronic cough and wheezing from deficient LU and KD)
  • Moistens intestines; unblocks bowels (constipation in elderly or injured body fluids due to febrile disease; may take daily food as supplement)
  • (cc: phlegm-heat cough)
  • (cc: yin deficiency with heat signs)
  • (cc: loose stools)
    Special Notes:
  • To arrest cough use Hu Tao Ren with skin; to lubricate intestines you should peel and discard the skin.
  • For constipation combine with Rou Cong Rong, E jiao, and Dang Gui.

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