Da Suan - Expel Parasites
LI, LU, SP, ST (6-15g)


Da Suan- The dark Swan
When The dark swan had worms and parasites so she ate some toxic crude oil to poison them.

The swan would have gone for an enema instead of eating oil, but (cc: enema is contra-indicated in pregnancy). She also found out first hand that eating crude oil would cause (cc: yin deficient heat or heat disorders of the mouth, tongue, and throat) and (cc: skin irritation and blisters when used topically)

English Name: garlic bulb, garlic
Pharmacuetical Name: Bulbus Alli Sativi
Properties: acrid, warm

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
parasites... toxic... poison kills parasites... relieves toxicity poisoning


      Da Suan Actions and Indications
  • Kills parasites (hookworms and pin worms; internal use or as enema)
  • Relieves toxicity poisoning (dysentary, diarrhea; consumption, whooping cough; carbuncles, boils; tinea and ringworms; internal or topical use)
  • (cc: enema is contraindicated in pregnancy)
  • (cc: yin deficient heat or heat disorders of the mouth, tongue, throat, and eyes)
  • (cc: caution with skin irritation and blisters when used topically)
    Special Notes:
  • Studies report this herb is good for the cardiovascular system and its cancer fighting properties, but over consumption may sometime be associated with eye deterioration.
  • For internal parasitic infestation combine Da Suan with Bing Lang, Ku Lian Pi, and He Shi.

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