Chan Su - Substances for External Application
KI, ST, HT (.015g-.03g internally; externally as appropriate)

Chan Su (Chan sued when His wife Miscarried)
When the toxic sewer overflowed and swelled into their home, Mrs. Chan got a painful feeling in her pregnant belly. Though sleeping, Mrs Chan quickly had her shen awakened as the turbid damp smell flowed into her open orifices.

Luckily she was able to keep it out of her eyes (note: keep out of eyes), but when she later miscarried (cc: pregnancy) Mr. Chan rightly sued the city for its poor waste management.

English Name: toad venum
Pharmacuetical Name: Venenum Bufonis
Properties: toxic, acrid, sweet, warm

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
shen awakened... turbid damp... open orifices expels turbid damp; opens orifices; awakens the shen
toxic... swelled... painful relieves toxicity; alleviates pain; reduces swelling


      Chan Su Actions and Indications
  • RelievesToxicity; Reduces Swelling; Alleviates Pain (internal or topical use for swellings; ulcers or carbuncles; pain and swelling of throat; topical for toothaches and use anesthesia; modern use for anti-cancer action)
  • Expels turbid damp; Opens orifices; Awakens the Shen (extreme turbid summer heat with abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness)
  • (cc: pregnancy)
  • (note: keep out of eyes)
  • External: for powder or paste use dose appropriate for area
  • 0.015-0.03 gm in pill or powder
    Special Notes:
  • Highly toxic and easy to overdose - overdose may occur within 0.5 to 2 hours and includes symptoms like severe N&V, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dehydration, chest congestion, palpitations, heart pain, bradycardia, arrythmia, cold extremities, hypotension, and shock.

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