Bai He - Tonify Yin
LU, HT (9-30g)


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      Bai He Actions and Indications
  • Nourishes yin; moistens LU; stops cough (Dry LU yin deficient cough and dry throat; blood streaked sputum; also Bai He has been found effective for dull pain in the MJ due to ST yin deficiency)
  • Clears Heart; Calms spirit (insomnia with deficient heat signs such as low-grade fever, restlessness, irritability, palpitations due to residual heat in warm febrile diseases)
  • (cc: wind-cold cough or phlegm or diarrhea due to SP/ST deficiency )
    Special Notes:
  • Bai He has a pleasant taste and is often used as food: cook it with porridge to nourish LU yin

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