Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang - Drain Downward: Heat
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang - "Regulate the stomach and order the qi decoction"
key Sx: Yangming ST and LI dryness heat syndrome (constipation, thirst, restlessness, steaming fever, abdominal distension and pain, delirium, yellow tongue coat, slippery rapid pulse, macula, vomiting blood, swollen gums and tonsils)
Components: Da Huang 4pc, Mang Xiao half shen, Gan Cao 2pc
Action: Yangming heat wirh irritability and SP qi deficiency causing constipation with very dry feces. Least strong.

Remember:When Dr. Yellow saw her granny cow sniff mirabilite she said "tiao wei" I'll be when I grow up!!!

King: Da Huang
M: Mang Xiao
A: Gan Cao
Cautions / Contraindications:
1) Careful with weak body constitution
2) Not for long term use

    Common Modifications:
  • ..

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