Yin Chen Hao - Promote Urination and Relieve Jaundice
LV, GB, SP, ST (10-30g)


Yin Chen Hao was a native who loved to eat monkey liver..

Yin Chen Hao was a native who loved to eat monkey liver and gallbladder from the jungle until it gave him jaundice and skin disorders!

English Name: artemesia scoparia, virgate wormwood
Pharmacuetical Name: Herba Artemisiae Scopariae
Properties: bitter, cool

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
liver... jungle... jaundice clears DH from the LV and GB; relieves jaundice
skin disorders heals skin disorders


       Yin Chen Hao Actions and Indications
  • Clears damp-heat from LV and GB; relieves jaundice (also for damp-warm febrile diseases; representative herb for jaundice due to damp heat or damp cold; modern use for gallstones, cholecystitis of damp-heat type, even without jaundice)
  • Heals skin disorders (wind rashes, eczema, oozing sores, urticaria, damp skin lesions, ringworm: topical or internal use)
    Special Notes:
  • Although a similar pinyin herb exists called Ling Yin Chen it is not the same herb as Yin Chen Hao and the two should not be used interchangeably.

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