Xiang Fu - Invigorate QI
LV, SP, SJ (6-12g) |
Xiang Fu (Nutgrass Rhizome)
Tv Commercial: "Is your lady whacked out with stagnant
LV qi and painful irregular menstruation?!
If so, get her some nutgrass rhizome!"
But be careful, too much free flowing can cause fatigue (cc:
qi def. without stagnation) and sleepless nights (cc:
yin deficiency or heat in the blood)
English Name: cyperus, nutgrass rhizome
Pharmacuetical Name: Rhizoma Cyperi
Properties: acrid, slightly bitter, slightly sweet, neutral
Explanation of Key Words in this story... |
stagnant LV qi |
spreads and regulates LV qi |
painful irregular menstruation |
regulate menstruation and relieves pain |
Xiang Fu
Actions and Indications
- Spreads and regulates LV Qi (abdominal pain and epigastric
pain, abdominal pain, LV qi stagnation with hypochondriac pain and epigastric
pain, disharmony between Liver and Spleen; frequent sighing; emotional
distress; stomach pain caused by stress)
- Regulates menstruation, relieves pain (irregular
mensutration, dysmenorrhea, qi and blood stagnation in gynecological
disorders: breast distension; stagnation signs in chest, breast, hypochondriac
regions, abdomen)
- (cc: qi deficiency without stagnation)
- (cc: yin deficiency or heat in blood)
Special Notes:
- Both Xiang Fu and Chai Hu smooth LV qi and
regulate menstruation.
- Xiang Fu is called "the blood mover among the qi moving herbs"
and is known as the "general of qi disease".
- Xiang Fu is neutral.
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