Tu Si Zi - Tonify Yang
KD, LV (9-15g)


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       Tu Si Zi Actions and Indications
  • Tonifies the Yang and Yin; stabilizes the essence; retains urine (kidney deficiency with impotence, HT qi deficiency from excessive worry, , polyuria, dripping cloudy urine, nocturnal emission, inctontinence, premature ejaculation, tinnitus, sore or painful low back; vaginal discharge)
  • Tonifies LV and KD; improves vision (LV and KD deficiency with dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, spots in eyes)
  • Calms fetus (restless fetus, prevents habitual miscarriage)
  • Tonifies SP and KD yang to stop diarrhea (diarrhea or loose stool due to both SP and KD deficiency; poor appetite)
  • (cc: fire from yin deficiency - especially patients who are easily aroused sexually)
  • (cc: constipation and scanty dark urine)
    Special Notes:
  • Pharmacologically Tu Si Zi is hepatoprotective and has been shown to have a general strengthening property which helped mice resist hypoxia and swim longer.

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