Sheng di Huang - Clear Heat: Cool Blood
HT, LV, KD (9-30g)

The Shame of Juan
Juan was a hot blooded boxer who spent many hot summer days bleeding in the ring. After he retired from boxing he was somewhat of an embarrasment however. The shame of Juan was his ability to generate fluids and nourish yin at all times of the day - no matter who was watching! The reason that Juan was so copious? Why, his heart was on fire of course!!!

All that fluid generation caused some (cc: SP deficiency with damp) and (cc: yang deficiency)

English Name: rehmannia, dried rehmannia rhizome, dried adhesive rehmannia rhizome
Pharmacuetical Name: Radix Rehmanniae
Properties: sweet, bitter, cold

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
hot blooded.... summer... bleeding cools blood, clears heat, stops bleeding
generate fluids and nourish yin nourishes yin; generates fluids
heart was on fire clears HT fire


      Sheng di Huang Actions and Indications
  • Cools blood, Clears Heat, Stops bleeding (heat invading ying and blood with fever, dry mouth; delerium; thirst; scarlet tongue, hemorrhage due to hot blood, hematemesis)
  • Generates Fluid; Nourishes Yin (xiao ke, for yin deficiency w/ heat, injury to fluids; dry mouth, continuous low-grade fever; night sweating, constipation, throat pain from yin deficiency; steaming bone disorder)
  • Clears Heart Fire (mouth and tongue sores, irritability, insomnia)
  • (cc: SP deficiency with dampness)
  • (cc: yang deficiency)
    Alternate Forms:
  • Xian Di Huang (fresh, not dried) - more bitter than sweet, very cold compared to sheng di; xian di is also stronger to clear heat, cool blood, and generate fluid, weaker to nourish yin, and less stagnating: 20-60g, or grind for juice)
  • (aka: Gan di Huang, di Huang, Gan Sheng)
    Special Notes:
  • Compare Shu di Huang, Sheng di Huang, and Xian Di Huang (above). Xian di Huang is weaker to nourish yin, but stronger to clear heat and cool blood. Sheng di Huang, the dry unprocessed root, is most effective to treat heat in the blood injuring body fluids. Shu di Huang, the processed root, has the strongest tonifying action of the three, and is best to alleviate jing (essence), blood, and yin deficiency.

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