Sha Yuan Zi - Tonify Yang
KI, LV (9-15g)


Sha Yuan Zi - "Shaya Wants A..."
Shaya was such a brat. Shaya put the puppy in the microwave because Shaya wants a fried LV and KD to eat!!! Shaya wants a new pair of sunglasses to play outside on the sunny side AND the dark side of the hill and if Shaya doesn't get what Shaya wants, Shaya will drink your essence. And Shaya gets what Shaya wantsa!

Shaya wasn't careful and he later developed sleepless nights (cc: yin deficiency with heat) and (cc: urinary difficulty)

English Name: astragalus seed, flat-stem milkvetch seed
Pharmacuetical Name: Semen Astragali Complanati
Properties: sweet, warm

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
fried LV and KD... a new pair of sunglasses nourishes LV and KD; brightens eyes
the sunny side AND the dark side of the hill... essence Tonifies KD Yang and Yin; stabilizes Jing (essence)


       Sha Yuan Zi Actions and Indications
  • Tonifies KD Yang and Yin; stabilizes Jing (essence) (tinnitus, impotence, low back pain, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, urinary frequency or incontinence, profuse vaginal discharge)
  • Nourishes LV and KD; brightens eyes (blurred vision, dizziness, or reduced acuity due to deficiency of LV and KD)
  • (cc: yin deficiency with heat)
  • (cc: urinary difficulty)
    Special Notes:
  • Sha Yuan Zi is often combined with Bai Ji Li to treat eye disorders. Sha Yuan Zi tonifies the LV and KD while Bai Ji Li is more helpful to expel wind-heat to brighten the eyes.

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