Rou Gui (Cinnamon Bark - My Old Dog Cinnamon
loves to Fetch Cinnamon Bark)
If your puppy won't fetch you might assist Yang
and Warm KD by leading
fire back to its source with a cinnamon bark stick. Don't worry if
the puppy eats a little cinnamon bark, it will warm
the SP and expel cold to relieve
pain in the abdominal area. But if you accidentally throw it in a
cold river channel
it will be painful for the puppy to go fetch!
Because cinnamon is so potent you should add it near
the end of cooking. Be careful not to take cinnamon bark during (cc:
pregnancy) or with sleepless nights, (cc: yin
deficiency with heat), (cc:interior excess
heat), (cc: reckless movement of hot blood).
Cinnamon bark is antagonistic with Chi Shi Zhi.
English Name: cinnamon bark, cassia bark
Pharmacuetical Name: Cortex Cinnamomi
Properties: acrid, sweet, hot
Explanation of Key Words in this story... |
assist Yang... warm KD... lead fire back
to its source |
warms KD; assists yang; leads fire back to
its source |
warm the SP... expel cold... relieve pain |
Warms the SP; Expels cold; relieves pain |
cold.. channel.. painful |
Expels cold from the channels... relieves
pain |
Rou Gui Actions and Indications
- Warms the KD; assists yang; leads the fire back to its source
(KD Yang deficiency and waning of gate vitality: aversion to cold, cold
limbs, weak back, impotence, frequent urination, primary herb for upward
floating of deficient yang: asthma, wheezing, flushed face, severe oily
sweat, weak and cold lower limbs, pulse without root)
- Warms the SP; expels cold; relieves pain (epigastric
and abdominal coldness, SP yang deficiency with abdominal pain and cold,
reduced appetite, vomiting, diarrhea)
- Expels cold from the channels; Relieves pain (blood
level cold causing qi or blood stagnation, amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea;
post-partum pain, hypochondriac pain, damp-cold; yin-type boils chronic
abcesses and sores; also used for qi and blood deficiency)
- (cc: pregnancy)
- (cc: yin deficiency with heat signs)
- (cc: interior excess heat)
- (cc: reckless movement of hot blood)
- note: antagonizes chi shi zhi
Special Notes:
- Rou Gui and Gan Jiang are both interior
warming herbs, but have different functions. Rou Gui goes to the lower
jiao to tonify KD yang, while Gan jiang warms the middle jiao and disperses
cold from the SP and ST.