Chi Shao - Clear Heat: Cool Blood
LV (6-15g)


Chi Shao (Red Peony Root) - The Red Pony.
The red pony got hot blooded on that summer day, when he saw the forest on fire he couldn't believe his eyes. He ran in bloody circles and caused a traffic jam which unfortunately didn't help the fire engines get there any faster!

When the red pony found that the pregnant (cc: pregnancy) Li Lu (cc: incompatible with LiLu) had started the fire, it demanded blood (cc: blood deficiency)

English Name: red peony, red peony root
Pharmacuetical Name: Radix Paeoniae Rubrae
Properties: bitter, cool

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
hot blooded... hot summer cools blood... clears heat
summer clears heat
forest on fire...eyes LV fire..( red swollen eyes)
ran in bloody circles... traffic jam invigorates blood; resolves blood stasis


      Chi Shao Actions and Indications
  • Cools blood, Clears Heat (heat in ying or blood level, fever; purple tongue; skin blotches; reckless bleeding and gynecological bleeding due to heat)
  • invigorates the blood and resolves blood stasis (dysmenorrhea; amenorrhea; abdominal pain and immobile abdominal masses; pain and swelling with traumatic injuries; early stage of abcess, boils)
  • Clears LV Fire; Benefits eyes (red, swollen, painful eyes)
  • (cc: pregnancy)
  • (cc: caution with blood deficiency)
  • (note: incompatible with li lu)
    Special Notes:
  • Some studies have shown benefits for CAD, Cerebral thrombosis, and Cor Pulmonae
  • Compare to Bai Shao

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