Cang Er Zi - Release Exterior: Wind Cold
(LU) - (3-9g)


... Cang Er Zi evolved into Kangaroo during the ice age.

Before the Cang Er Zi evolved into the Kangaroo it roamed during the windy ice age and had a much longer snout that helped to open its nasal passages. The Kangerzi loved to play in the windy rain, but its skin itched when it got done playing.

Its a good thing the Kangeroo evolved into being. Otherwise we would have no bouncy animals at all! But too much bouncing can cause (cc: blood deficient headaches) and an overdose of bouncing will surely cause (cc: overdose 100g may cause vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain)
English Name: xanthium fruit, Siberian cocklebur fruit
Pharmacuetical Name: Fructus Xanthii
Properties: toxic, bitter, acrid, warm

  Explanation of Key Words in this story...
 windy ice wind cold
open its nasal passages opens nasal passages
windy rain disperses wind damp
skin itched relieves skin itching


      Cang Er Zi Actions and Indications
  • Releases exterior wind cold; opens nasal passages (nasal congestion, viscous discharge; exterior wind-cold, aversion to cold, headaches)
  • Disperses wind damp (wind-damp bi syndrome)
  • Relieves skin itching (skin disorder with itching)
  • (cc: blood deficient headache)
  • (cc: overdose 100g may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and/or abdominal pain)
    Special Notes:
  • Often paired with xin yi hua to open nasal passages
  • Cang Er Zi has been shown to have anti-diabetic properties, and to lower blood glucose levels. Accordingly it should be used with caution in patients taking insulin, sulfonylureas, and other diabetic medications because it may have a synergistic effect.

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