Drain Downward Formulas

Drain Downward: Purge Heat Accumulation

Da Cheng Qi Tang "Major Order of the Qi Decoction"
key Sx: Heat Excess combination in ST and LI (Constipation, Abdominal distension and pain with tenderness, afternoon tidal fever, thirst with great desire to drink, delerium, frequent gas, continuous sweating of limbs, T: red tongue with prickles, yellow dry or black dry coat , P: deep and forceful)
Xiao Cheng Qi Tang key Sx: Mild type of Yangming Fu organ excess (delirium, tidal fever, constipation, fullness and opressed in abdomen, dark yellow tongue coat, slippery fast pulse, beginning of dysentery, abdominal distension pain, tenesmus)
Components: Da Huang 4pc, Huo Po 2pc, Zhi Shi 3pc
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang key Sx: Yangming ST and LI dryness heat syndrome (constipation, thirst, restlessness, steaming fever, abdominal distension and pain, delirium, yellow tongue coat, slippery rapid pulse, macula, vomiting blood, swollen gums and tonsils)
Components: Da Huang 4pc, Mang Xiao half shen, Gan Cao 2pc
Fu Fang Da Cheng Qi Tang Action: purge downward, move qi, quicken blood
Indication: Fu-organ excess with obvious qi obstruction
Da Huang Mu Dan Tang "Rhubarb and Mountain Decoction"
key Sx: Beginning of Intestinal carbuncle with damp-heat accumulation syndrome (right lower abdominal pain, T: greasy coat, P: slippery rapid)

Drain Downward: Purge Cold Coagulation
Da Huang Fu Zi Tang "Rhubarb and prepared Aconite decoction"
key Sx: Cold Excess Accumulation Syndrome (hypochodria pain, abdominal pain, constipation, aversion to cold, fever w/out sweating, cough, wheezing, profuse watery phlegm, T: white greasy coat, P: wiry and tight)
Wen Pi Tang "Warm the SP decoction"
key Sx: SP Yang deficiency, Cold Coagulation, Cold obstructed Interior (abdominal pain around umbilicus, constipation, cold extremities, white tongue coating, no thirst, deep wiry slow pulse)
San Wu Bei Ji Wan "Three Substance Pill for Emergencies"
key Sx: Emergency interior cold excess with abdominal pain

Drain Downward: Moisten Purgation
Ma Zi Ren Wan key Sx: ST LI dryness heat, SP restrained constipation (constipation, frequent urination, thin yellow tongue coating, lack of fluid)
Ji Chuan Jian "Support Reverse Decoction"
key Sx: Constipation due to KD deficiency (profuse urination, constipation, pale tongue with white coat, deep slow pulse, weakness and soreness in knees and lumbar region, dizziness)

Drain Downward: Drive out Excess Water
Shi Zao Tang Action: Extreme Water Retention (headache, vertigo, cough with chest pain, short of breath, hardness in epigastria, nausea, abdominal distension, edema especially in lower body)
Xin Jia Huang Long Tang Action: Purge heat, promote defecation, nourish yin and tonify qi (constipation, blackish yellow tongue coating, fatigue, SOB, dry lips, throat and tongue)
Nickname: "Nin-jia Yellow's long pootie (tang)"
Zeng Ye Cheng Qi Tang Action: Nourish yin, increase body fluid, purge heat, and promote defecation (dry stools, constipation, dry lips, yellow tongue, thin rapid pulse)